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Vacant Sites Register

Filling a vacant site between buildings in Bergen-Enkheim © City of Frankfurt Dept. of Planning

All the small and little-used plots of land in Frankfurt/Main that come into question for the construction of housing are listed in the Vacant Sites Register. It has a map section and a data section.
On overview map shows the distribution of vacant sites in the entire metropolitan area. The relevant data sheet outlines its current usage, state of development, and the estimated number of possible apartments that could be built.

Buildings to be commissioned through December 2024 were considered when updating the list of vacant sites. Since January 2024 a total of three housing units on three plots have gone turnkey. One vacant site was incorporated into the housing site development program. All in all, the vacant sites register shows there to be some 389 lots that offer space to build around 1,775 new apartments.

Section from the Vacant Sites Register © City of Frankfurt Dept. of Planning



Empty sites available online, too

The Vacant Sites Register can be viewed at the City Planning Department during opening times.

The empty sites in Frankfurt can also be viewed on the Internet. Through the inclusion of the empty sites in the planning information system planAS one more mouse click in the Vacant Sites Register suffices to have the current planning law, be it, for example, with regard to the legal zoning plan valid for the plot of land or the preservation by-law being drawn up, displayed swiftly and with ease.

The directory only provides information about possible construction opportunities. Interested parties can read statements about the extent to which every plot of land can actually be used for construction purposes in what are known as the proviso areas in the City Planning Department, 61.4  and 61.5, in other cases in the Frankfurt Building Authority. You will find an explanation of the responsibilities with regard to proviso areas under construction advisory services.

Please note that the inclusion of a plot of land in the vacant sites register is not an indication that the relevant owner intends to sell or to develop the land in question, nor that it will be abler to be built on immediately or in the foreseeable future.

No information is available on whether the owners are willing to sell the property.

The data in the vacant sites register are updated once a year. This means that plots of land now being developed may still be listed in it.

The majority of the vacant sites are privately owner. The owners are not mentioned by name for reasons of data privacy. In the case of private owners please contact the Amt für Bodenmanagement in Limburg an der Lahn and in cases of municipal ownership the City of Frankfurt’s Amt für Bau und Immobilien
At present, properties under municipal ownership are awarded under leasehold terms.

Contact partner(s)

Mr. Falk Künstler

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 36312

Ms. Jutta Hickmann

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 38740