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Frankfurt Program for the Construction of Affordable Rented Apartments: “Subsidy Scheme 1”

Municipal subsidies based on this guideline is combined with subsidies from the State of Hessen based on the “Guidelines of the State of Hessen for the Promotion of Social Welfare Rented Accommodation”. households who are registered with the Municipal Housing Department and whose income is within the limits specified by section 5 para.1 of the Hessen Act to Promote New Residential Properties (HWoFG) (Level 1) and the Decree Relating to the Specification of Deviating Income Limits in the Promotion of Housing, Official Gazette of the State of Hessen (GVBL) p. 331 (Level 2) are eligible to live in this kind of accommodation.

Starting rent per m² of living space and month (plus running costs):
in Level 1: € 5.00
in Level 2: € 6.50

Additional rent for high energy-related standard
in Level 1: € 0.50

Rent adjustment in line with consumer price index (taking German Civil Code (BGB) tenancy law into consideration) up to max.
in Level 1: 20 % 
in Level 2: 15 %
below standard local comparative rent possible

Basic loan per residential unit 
in Level 1: € 10,000
in Level 2:€ 6,000


Interest rate: 30 years interest freeas of 31st year: standard market interest rate for first mortgages 10-year fixed interest rate - max. 5 %Redemption: 1 %Processing fee: 1 %

Payment 99 %Equity 15 %


Terms Interest rate: 30 years interest freeas of 31st year: standard market interest rate for first mortgages 10-year fixed interest rate - max. 5 %Redemption: 1 %Processing fee: 1 %

Payment 99 %Equity 15 %



Frankfurter Programm für den Neubau von bezahlbaren Mietwohnungen: Förderweg 1 - Zuschüsse © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main

Payment as a rule in the following instalments
25 % completion of the basement ceiling
25 % completion of the shell
40 % building ready for occupancy
10 % Overall completion and final accounting

The grant to the rental income can be paid either annually, retroactively on the date of occupation for the duration of the specified purpose or once off on occupation in the form of amount that is discounted at an interest rate of 3 %.

General promotion conditions

The structure is built within the limits of the City of Frankfurt/Main.
For the project competing design scenarios were enacted at locations that are important in terms of urban development.
The quality criteria (Annex 2 of the Guidelines) were taken into consideration in the planning.
The criteria relating to accessible facilities (Annex 3 of the Guidelines) were taken into consideration in the construction of wheelchair-accessible apartments.

Living space eligible for promotion
Apartments for 1 person up to max. 45 m²
Apartments for 2 people up to max. 60 m²
Apartments for 3 people up to max. 72 m²
Apartments for 4 people up to max. 84 m²
…for every other person max. 12 m²

Supplement for accessible living space in accordance with the latest version of DIN 18040-2: 8%

Supplement for wheelchair-accessible living space in accordance with the latest version of DIN 18040-2: 16%

The Guidelines and application forms
are available on our website and in the City Planning Department, Abteilung Stadterneuerung und Wohnungsbau (Department of Urban Renewal and Housing)
Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse 10
60311 Frankfurt/Main

Applications for the “Frankfurt Program for the Construction of Affordable Rented Apartments: Promotion scheme 1” are made together with that for state promotion and using the from provided by WI-Bank. You will find it at: https://www.wibank.de/wibank/hessisches-mietwohnungsbauprogramm/soziale-mietwohnraumfoerderung--geringe-einkommen-/307058
The municipal department of housing promotion provides advice about and accepts applications for municipal as well as state promotion.

By appointment or during general office hours: Tues. + Thurs. 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

As at: February 2019


Contact partner(s)

Ms. Ilona Schäfer (Planung)

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 36571

Ms. Priscilla Nogueira (Planung)

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 71953

Ms. Susanne Kreinz-Klawitter (Planung)

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 44531

Ms. Kolthoff (Planung)

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 35902

Ms. Katharina Zeller (Planung)

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 30744

Mr. Olaf Grohmann (Finanzierung)

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 34682

Ms. Claudia Mouhsine (Finanzierung)

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 35346

Mr. Ralf Steinkrauss (Finanzierung)

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 35107