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Nieder-Eschbach – Am Hollerbusch

Legal zoning planning procedure no. 920

Urban development draft, Housing
District: Local district:
Size of area:
3.6 ha
Project management:

Mr. Michael Theis
fone: +49 (0)69 212 44587

Project description

Reason for planning
As an urban development measure, the conversion of the zoning from former plant nurseries can free up land for the construction of housing. The aim is to make possible different types of residences for various sections of the population. The legal zoning plan is intended to meet the urgent need for housing in the City of Frankfurt.

Planning area

The planning area is on both sides of the road Am Hollerbusch, between the stream Frankfurter Graben and the U2/U9 LRT tracks in the district of Nieder-Eschbach. The spatial scope of the project embraces an area covering approx. 3.58 hectares.

Planning objectives
There are currently two plant nurseries in the area earmarked for the project. With regard to the development of these, and to additional measures, for the purpose of coordination of the project the plots need to be regarded as a single entity and amalgamated in a legal zoning plan.

The legal zoning plan is intended to lay the foundations for a residential area and possibly additional infrastructure measures in the social sector. Given that there is currently no legal zoning plan in place for the area in question but that an orderly development of it is regarded as imperative, there is a need for to compile and prepare a legal zoning plan.

The location of the planning area close to the Nieder-Eschbach LRT stop means there are good local public transport connections.
The plan is to provide a broad range of housing types for different groups of inhabitants.

The intention behind the new legal zoning plan is to create a new district limits along the Frankfurter Graben stream as a continuation of the area adjoining in the north. The existing public road along the LRT tracks will be widened and brought in line with the roads adjoining to the north and south.

There are plans, through the conclusion of urban development contracts, to ensure, among other things, that 30 % of the planned gross surface area is reserved for subsidized housing.

The urban design proposal will need to include proposals on how to minimize interventions in the natural habitat and countryside, and moreover, in the further course of the process, specify compensatory areas, inasmuch as the interventions have not yet taken place or were not permissible.

Planning progress
Next planning steps: Conclusion of urban development contracts and public display of the draft development plan.


  • Concretization of the urban developmentplanning concept,
  • Negotiation of urban development contracts with the property owners, taking into account the so-called building land resolution for Frankfurt's urban development. Subject of the contractual regulations:
    Construction of the necessary development facilities
                  - Securing of subsidized housing construction
                  - Securing areas for community and cooperative housing projects
                  - Production of childcare places in daycare facilities,
  • Preparation of the draft legal plan

14.December 2017: Resolution to secure planning approval of the legal zoning plan no. 920

October 2017: Presentation of initial planning approaches as part of early participation of the public to Section 3 (1) of the German Building Code (BauGB) at a meeting of the local advisory council