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Northwest Auf der Steinern Strasse

Legal zoning plan no. 923

Schooling, Housing
District: Local district:
15, 10
Size of area:
11,3 ha
Project management:

Ms. Christina Stiel
fone: +49 (0)69 212 37756

Ms. Nina Hofmann
fone: +49 (0)69 212 44643

Project description

Reason for planning
To meet the urgent need for sites for schools in the north of Frankfurt the new legal zoning plan is intended to create the legal basis for a primary and a secondary school.
Moreover, as a contribution to covering the ongoing need for housing in Frankfurt, planning laws need to be made for housing adjacent to the existing residential area and providing for different forms of homes.

Development area
The development area is in the north of Frankfurt on the southern perimeter of the Nieder-Eschbach district. In the southwest it directly abuts the Bonames district.
In the north and south, the development area is surrounded by housing and in the southeast by the over-ground LRT tracks of the U2 and U9 lines, as well as the road by the name of Auf der Steinern Strasse. There is agricultural land to the northeast and on the other side of the over-ground LRT tracks. To the west there are two parcels of land with allotments. The geographical scope covers approx. 12.3 hectares. In it part overlaps with the area already included in the zoning plan no. 516 Am Eschbachtal – Harheimer Weg that is still to be resolved.


Planning objectives
Since August Jaspert Schule in Bonames and Michael Grzimek Schule in Nieder-Eschbach are no longer able to cater to the need for elementary school places resulting from the ongoing increase in the number of inhabitants and the planned new developments in the vicinity, it has become imperative that an additional elementary school be built. The planned site lies between the two existing schools and for this reason is ideally suited for a new school.

There is likewise a shortfall in high school places in the north of Frankfurt and this urgently requires mitigation. The Gymnasium Nord high school was recently established to this end and has already opened on a provisional site in the Praunheim/Westhausen district. Its final location will now no longer be, as previously planned, to the south of the rail track and thus within the geographical scope of legal zoning plan no. 516 - Am Eschbachtal - Harheimer Weg, but rather to the north of the rail track in the development area of legal zoning plan no. 923.

The aim behind concentrating the two planned school sites in the geographical scope of legal zoning plan no. 923 is to make the land available more quickly and therefore enable the two schools to be commissioned more swiftly.
Given the on-going pressing demand for housing the intention is to create additional neighborhoods near the schools with accommodation for different sections of the population.
The plans envisages supplemental housing with three or four stories in the north and south. In the transition areas leading to the existing detached and terrace houses, the plan is for two and three-storey buildings that function as visual intermediaries between the existing homes and the new builds.

In order to meet the new need for pre-school childcare that will arise a childcare center will be integrated into the school grounds that still need to be developed.
There will be a new tram stop that accesses the planning area. Moreover, it will be integrated into the pedestrian and cycle path network and thus connected to the quarters in the vicinity. Accessibility by car will be in the east of the planned area in its northern sub-section in the form of a new perimeter road running between Homburger Landstrasse and the future school grounds.

The open-space concept hinges on partially preserving the existing bushes and shrubs of the allotment gardens where the primary school and childcare center will later stand as a green edge to the perimeter road and the railway tracks. Moreover, single trees that catch the eye and shape the face of the quarter will be integrated into the school grounds.

The open spaces will be enhanced by planting new public green areas and greening the roads and building sites. The street football pitch in the north will be kept. The pedestrian and bicycle link to the GrünGürtel-Park Nieder-Eschbach will also be maintained.
In addition, the plan is to run parkland from Heinrich Berbalk Strasse to the tram track crossing and for this to continue in the strip of fields to the south of the rail tracks. A playground will be located in the northern section of the parkland.

Planning progress
Next planning steps:

13 June 2023: Announcement of the amendment to the resolution on the legal zoning plan in the official Gazette No. 24

11 May 2023: Addition of two parcels of land south of the light rail line to the scope of application by means of amended drafting resolution § 3245 of the City Council with adjustment of the objectives and purposes of planning

September 2020: Early participation of the public pursuant to Section 3 (1) German Building Code with the opportunity for information and participation

22 January 2019: Announcement of the decision on the preparation of the legal zoning plan No. 923 - Northwest Auf der Steinern Straße - in the official Gazette No. 4

December 2018: decision on the preparation of the legal zoning plan No. 923 - Northwest Auf der Steinern Straße - according to § 3491 by the City Council Meeting

December 2018:

Area legal zoning plan no. 516 - Am Eschbachtal - Harheimer Weg -:

13 December 2018:

  • Division of the legal zoning plan into No. 516 and No.923 - Northwest Auf der Steinern Straße -.
  • Continuation of the legal zoning plan No. 516 with a reduced area of application.

22 June 1999: Announcement of the decision on the legal zoning plan in the official gazette No. 25

29 April 1999: Resolution to secure planning approval.