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Parkstadt Unterliederbach II

Legal zoning plan procedure no. 926 - Nordwestlich Silobad (northwest of Silobad swimming baths)

Urban development draft, Housing, Social infrastructure
District: Local district:
Size of area:
18 ha
Project management:

Ms. Waltraud Schelter
fone: +49 (0)69 212 70340

Project description

Reason for planning

The planning of the further development of Parkstadt Unterliederbach had been at a standstill for several years due to the proximity to the Höchst industrial estate and because of the unresolved Seveso Directive problem. Legislation that has since been passed now permits competing issues to be considered. These emerge from the safety objectives set out in the Seveso III Directive, on the one hand, and the development goals of the City of Frankfurt/Main with regard to the establishment of a legal basis for planning permission for facilities requiring protection within the distances that need to be observed, on the other. Consequently, open-outcome planning of the further development of Parkstadt Unterliederbach has been resumed. In this context the intention is to take special alarm and protection precautions and equip the buildings with services engineering which, in the event of an incident, is triggered automatically. This will guarantee future residents a high level of safety should an incident occur.

Development area

The development area is in the west of the city approximately 11 kilometers from downtown as the crow flies, and covers an area measuring around 18 hectares. It lies to the west and partly to the right of Hortensienring, which provide access to “Parkstadt Unterliederbach” residential area and which links up with Hunsrückstrasse. The Silobad swimming baths, the “Silostrasse” commercial estate, die Fraport Arena and, some 700 meters away the “Jahrhunderthalle” concert hall are all south of the development area. Apart from that the site is surrounded bya agricultural land.

Planning objectives

Some 1,000 new dwellings will be built in the extended Parkstadt. Taking the enormous need for affordable housing in Frankfurt/Main and current ecological requirements into consideration, earlier plans dating from 1980s and featuring terraced houses need to be revised in order for a compact housing development with a space-saving access network to be able to be delivered. In order to improve the amount of housing for lower-income tenants, at least 30 % of the floor space in the area will be earmarked for dwellings eligible for subsidies. Furthermore, the intention is for a mix of uses, combining different forms of living and the associated amenities, school and other social facilities. By way of example, two nurseries will be built on the ground floor of multi-story residential buildings. To meet the demand for elementary school education, land in the north will be designated as a separate school site. A general convenience store can also be located on a central plaza in the area. The green axis that is Zaubernussallee will be extended in the new development area.

An innovative mobility concept featuring, among other things, car-sharing facilities and district garages, will be drawn up for the new housing area. It goes without saying that it will also include a local public transport connection in the form of a bus, so as to minimize the additional volume of car traffic as far as possible.

Planning progress

The City Council of the City of Frankfurt/Main passed a resolution for the resumption of planning in the first quarter of 2019, after which the early participation of citizens and authorities stipulated in the German Building Code took place. Their suggestions and advice are now being evaluated.

Parallel to this an application will be submitted for the land to be reinstated as residential construction land in the Regional Preparatory Land Use Plan.

PDF files relating to the project