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Securing commercial zones East of Intzestrasse

Aerial photo of the commercial estate © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept., map based on City of Frankfurt Surveying Office

District: Ostend

District size: approx. 15 hectares

Project management:
Frau Sabine Brettfeld
Tel: +49 (0)69 212 31940
Fax:  +49 (0)69 212 30761
Email: Sabine.Brettfeld@Stadt-Frankfurt.de



Kleinteiliges Gewerbe in der Intzestraße und kreuzendes Gleis der Hafenbahn,  © Stadtplanungsamt Frankfurt am Main

The are that is covered by the planning is in the Ostend district in the section of the Osthafen port between Intzestrasse and the A661 interstate and south of the real estate on Hanauer Landstrasse through to the river bank.

The commercial real estate in the area in question is crossed by several sets of tracks used by the port railway that run like the parts of a fan into the harbor basins in the East and Lower Ports (North and South basins. The fragmented parcels of land are used by a multiplicity of smaller commercial enterprises. They include metal-working operations, waste sorting and building-rubble recycling companies, auto workshops, forwarding companies, as well as storage buildings and storage areas.

Municipal energy utility Mainova’s Betriebshof Ost (Works East) is located here on a larger coherent site. Urban planning developments in the vicinity of the area covered by the plans will lead to pressure on the existing commercial hub on Intzestrasse to adapt to new usages. Prime examples of this worthy of mention are retail developments along Hanauer Landstrasse or the emergence of additional computer centers around Weismüllerstrasse east of the A661 interstate.
The current planning law regulations are not suitable to protect the existing commercial operations from competing usages.

Franziusstraße – Übergang zum Mainufer, © Stadtplanungsamt Frankfurt am Main

The objective of the planning is to secure and develop the commercial site in the long term for manufacturing, processing, and service operations. The intention is to control and/or exclude competing usages under planning law. The port railway tracks that are no longer used will be assessed to establish whether they can help improve access to adjacent parcels of land or can contribute to greenery in the commercial zones. The section along the Main river bank will be made accessible to the general public as parkland.

The statutory land-use plan for resolution as land use plan no. 939 East Intzestrasse” was approved on Nov. 11, 2021. With the structural concept that has been developed, the public authorities and public-interest agencies were consulted, and timely public consultation took place in June / July 2023.

The statements and information received as part of this timely participation is currently being acceded to ascertain whether and to what extent they can be factored into the planning going forward.

Parallel to this, starting in May 2023 and scheduled to run until about mid-2024 an inventory is being compiled of the flora and fauna on the land that comes under the land-use plan. The draft land-use plan will then be drawn up by an external planning office commissioned by the City of Frankfurt. The objective is to prepare a legal draft plan in coordination with the relevant bodies that will be ready by fall 2024 and can then be presented to the political bodies to approve it going on public display.

Contact partner(s)

Ms. Sabine Brettfeld

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 31940