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Securing commercial zones „Im Fuchsloch“

Aerial photo of the “Im Fuchsloch” commercial estate © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept., map based on City of Frankfurt Surveying Office

District: Nieder-Erlenbach

Size of estate: approx. 7.4 hectares

Project management:
Gunther Stoll
Tel.: +49 (0)69  212 74120
Fax: +49 (0)69 212 30761

Hessischer Rundfunk store rooms, “Im Fuchsloch” commercial estate © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept.

The ” Im Fuchsloch” commercial estate was founded in the 1970s and is located on the northwestern edge of the district of Nieder-Erlenbach. Through to the mid-1990s, the estate was used in large part primarily by commercial premises. At the end of the 1990s a trend emerged for large-area retail outlets to occupy most of the land.

Today, the commercial premises are mainly used for classic commercial-estate-related purposes such as production, storage, and logistics halls as well as workshops. There are also other commercial usages that rely on a local commercial estate or for which a location inside a commercial estate is at least advantageous.

With adjustment of the existing planning law as per (amended) land use plan nos. B862 Ä2 and 257 Ä2, which have come into force, land resources for uses typical of a commercial estate have been secured. In this way, the objectives of the city’s overall development concepts for commerce real estate have been realized. Furthermore, by excluding retail usages, a contribution has been made in North Frankfurt to achieving the objectives stated in the municipal retail and center concept.

The statutory land use plans nos. B862 Ä and 257 Ä2 have come into force subsequent to their official entry in the City of Frankfurt Gazette.

Contact partner(s)

Mr. Gunther Stoll

Telephone: +49 (0)69 212 74120