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Social Cohesion Ben-Gurion-Ring

Urban renewal measure in accordance with Section 171e German Building Code (BauGB)

Urban revitalization
District: Local district:
10, 15
Size of area:
about 3.3 ha
Project management:

Ms. Juliane Liebzeit
fone: +49 (0)69 212 30128

Ms. Anna Furian
fone: +49 (0)69 212 46051

Project description

Reason for planning

In late 2015, the large Ben Gurion Ring housing estate was included in the federal and state governments’ program entitled “City districts with a special need for development – the Social City”. At this point in time, the challenges facing urban revitalization included residential towers in need of modernization, vacant office premises, image problems, and a lack of cleanliness. Added to which, the outdoor areas had design and functional shortcomings.

Moreover, the qualities of the “Am Bügel” quarter have always been in need of improvement. One example being a green, largely car-free center. Other clear features include good apartment ground plans, stores that are close at hand, and good links to public transport. The community facilities in the quarter promote integration and assume tasks that are important over and beyond the estate itself. They include five childcare centers, a shelter for children, and support facilities for primary school pupils. Furthermore, Am Bügel is also home to a Youth Club, the Regenbogen Family Center, and the KiFaZ. Additional new residential and school buildings are planned going forwards.

The population in the quarter is heterogeneous in structure and includes people of around 46 different nationalities. In the past, neighborhoods were unable to cope with the various cultures and different generations, not to mention the burdens caused by unemployment, debt, and problems with violence and addiction. For this reason, the “Active Neighborhood” scheme was in place until 2005. The modernization measure under the “Social City Ben Gurion Ring” program is destined to stabilize the estate as a quarter where people like to live, and ensure it has a positive aura to it.

Planning area
The area receiving support includes the housing estate within the Ben Gurion Ring road, the Youth Club north of the ring road, and the Homburger Hohl road that connects the site to the Bonames-Mitte subway station. The large housing estate was erected in the 1970s as an extension to the housing developments in the Bonames and Nieder-Eschbach districts in north Frankfurt.

The line of stores integrated into the quarter, a mixed residential and office build with the surgeries of specialist doctors, retail outlets, a childcare center and the district management office is of importance over and beyond the Nieder-Eschbach and Bonames districts. In the early 1980s, two office buildings were erected to the southwest of the estate; they are currently earmarked as a new school building and as a spillover quarter for schools. In the 1990s, the buildings with the brick masonry were constructed at Ben Gurion Ring 110a. Today, they house the Saalbau Am Bügel events center, a childcare center, and a hostel for refugees.

After completion of a new-build quarter in the northeast that is currently under construction, the housing estate will be home to some 4,800 people. A public green zone complete with a pond and almost five hectares in size runs across the quarter from north to south. It merges seamlessly with the outdoor areas of the residential buildings. To the north and west of the housing estate are the two Berner Strasse and Am Martinszehnten commercial parks. In the west, the area abuts the A661 interstate. To the southeast, the heart of the Bonames district can be reached by foot.

Planning objectives
On the basis of the integrated approach adopted by the Federal and state governments’ Social City program, the City of Frankfurt/Main aims to preserve the Ben Gurion Ring estate and its subsidized housing. In the interest of the quarter it will upgrade the areas of greenery and open spaces, strengthen the people in the neighborhoods in social terms, promote the
local identity and intercultural integration and influence public perception of the development in a positive way.

The municipal administration and district management are working hand in hand with the local inhabitants, social welfare institutions, and property owners, to improve the quality of life and housing, climate protection, and life together within the housing estate. A list of key objectives was drawn up with the participation of local inhabitants as part of the Integrated Urban Development Concept (IUDC) and was approved in 2020 by City Council resolution. On this basis, among others the various individual projects and measures can be realized. For further information scroll down. A report is also to be found in the City of Frankfurt Dept. of Planning’ yearbook, “Planwerk 20/21/22”.

Project progress


  • Inauguration of the free children’s book exchange cupboard in front of the Regenbogen Family Center in cooperation with FES Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH and Kinder- und Familienzentrum (KiFaZ)
  • GWH modernizes the Ben-Gurion-Ring 2-14 residential block in terms of energy consumption
  • GWH arranges an artistic design for the façade of the Ben-Gurion-Ring 34-36 residential block
  • Planning of the outdoor spaces continues for the redesign of the Rondellplatz playground in the green belt
  • Planning of the outdoor spaces for the “Grosse Wiese”, “Hanggarten” and “Baumhalle” in the green belt
  • Planning of the outdoor spaces continues for the new design for the neighborhood Gateway East at Ben-Gurion-Ring 102
  • Planning of the installation work to switch over to underground waste collection containers for the GWH residential blocks


  • Inauguration of the new gardens for tenants and the communal spaces in the courtyard of Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42
  • Inauguration of the new elevator in the Senior Citizens Home at Ben-Gurion-Ring 20
  • Urban ideas competition for the redesign of the Southeast gateway to the quarter at Homburger Hohl
    Realization of Environment Week
  • Preliminary planning for the redesign of the Homburger Hohl street
  • Design proposals by students from the Architecture Faculty at TU Darmstadt for an interim neighborhood meeting point at Bügelsee
  • Outdoor plans for the redesign of the playground at Rondellplatz in the greenbelt
  • Installation of a sunshade in the infants’ section on the See playground
  • Installation of a bookcase for children in front of the Regenbogen Family Center
  • Provision of two additional, insect-friendly street lanterns on the only insufficiently lit main path between the St. Lioba church and Grosse Wiese


  • Inauguration of the ADFC repair and technical workshop on Ben-Gurion-Ring 118, initiated and supported by Bürgerinitiative am Bügel e.V. .Realization of Environment Week
  • Inauguration of the new sports and leisure-time areas at the “Am Bügel” Youth Club
  • Ideas competition for the redesign of the Southeast gateway to the quarter at Homburger Hohl (carpark deck)
  • Modernization of the Senior Citizens Home BGR 20 by GWH with the construction of an elevator system at the facility
  • Building work starts for the 2nd Construction Phase of the courtyard at Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 with gardens for tenants and communal spaces
  • City Council resolution approving the overall concept for renewing the green belt at Ben-Gurion-Ring (outdoor concept) on Nov. 17, 2022 (resolution § 2543


  • 1st Environmental Education Week held
  • Elevator system goes into operation at the Senior Citizens Home at Ben-Gurion-Ring 110
  • Construction work starts redesigning the outdoor areas at the “Am Bügel” Youth Club
  • Planning and public participation in the outdoor concept for the Ben-Gurion-Ring green belt
  • raffic barriers erected in the Ben-Gurion-Ring green belt
  • Modernization of the residential building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 22-30 by GWH
  • Survey of tenants’ opinions on the Stete-Planung mobility concept conducted by GWH


  • City Council resolution passed approving the Integrated Urban Development Concept (IUDC)
  • Construction of the elevator system for the Senior Citizens Home at Ben-Gurion-Ring 110
  • Construction and Inauguration of the 1st Construction Phase for the redesigned inner courtyard at Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42
  • Installation of seven display cabinets for the district management
  • Modernization of the residential building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 32-42 and 110 by GWH


  • Plans made to redesign the inner courtyard at Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42
  • Plans made for the outdoor spaces at the “Am Bügel” Youth Club
  • An insect-friendly meadow planted on the plot owned by Nassauische Heimstätte at Ben-Gurion-Ring 124-138
  • Modernization of the residential building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 102-108 by GWH
  • Prolongation of the rent-price cap for 1,100 publicly-subsidized apartments

2018: Events venue for Luminale Frankfurt (Festival of Lighting Culture) with the “bettercities” format

since 2018: Ongoing realization of measures and projects


  • Civic participation process for the IUDC “Mach Deinen Bügel”
  • Inaugural meeting of the district advisory council
  • The City of Frankfurt appoints the district managemen
  • Inauguration of the redesign “Am Weiher” playground

Kick-off parties and workshops

Inclusion in the “Social City” urban planning support program – renamed the “Social Measures for Urban Stabilization and Development” in 2020

To the district management page

More information

Integrated Urban Development Concept

In the Integrated Urban Development Concept (IUDC) Social City Ben-Gurion-Ring at the beginning of the grant program, the strengths and weaknesses of the estate were analyzed, and development targets for the future defined. Individual projects were stated in a list of measures that if realized are destined to achieve these development goals.

To devise the IUDC, between March and October 2017 an extensive public participation process took place that offered all inhabitants of the district to help structure the development target for the coming years.

The needs and potential to be developed were identified in successive events and workshops. As experts on everyday life in the neighborhood, the residents contributed their knowledge to the IUDC and in this way developed tailor-made projects for social urban renewal. This participation process was showcased as part of a public results exhibition in the district management office in October 2017.

All project ideas from the participation process were bundled into a total of 16 measures.

Map of measures © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Social City Ben Gurion Ring Consultative Council

Diagram Advisory Board © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

In the Consultative Council, 11 to a maximum of 15 local residents meet 10 people representing the institutions based in the “Bügel” district.

The Consultative Councils liaise between their local residents and those running the Social City program. They are contacts for local residents and represent their wishes before the municipal authorities and local politicians. The Consultative Councils are also familiar with current projects and pass on relevant information in the neighborhood.

Furthermore, the Consultative Councils act as advisors with regard to Social City projects: They recommend projects for inclusion in the annual applications for funding and play a role in their planning and implementation. The recommendations of the Consultative Council serve as the basis of discussion for the political bodies.
The Consultative Council is open to anyone living in Ben Gurion Ring. The involvement of local residents is important for the future development of the area! If you would like to become a voting member of the Consultative Council, you should introduce yourself at one of its meetings or contract the district management. Meetings of the Consultative Council are public and are held every six weeks at 6.30 p.m. on a Thursday evening.

District Management Office

The district management team . From the left: Patricia Hartmann, Kai Schmidt, Marcus Schenk, Karin Zein-Schenk, © Günther Michels

In the row of stores at Ben Gurion Ring 56 premises have been rented in which to establish a project-related meeting point and a place of work for the Ben-Gurion-Ring Social City. The district office is both a space where people can meet and also the district management office with open visiting hours. The district management as the central local point of contact provides information on pending developments and services and offerings locally.



District Office
Ben Gurion Ring 56
60437 Frankfurt/Main
Tel: 069/ 500 040 60
Email: qm-bgr@qurban.de

Opening hours: Mon, Tues., Thurs, Fri. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; Mon 2 – 4 p.m.; closed Wednesdays

Contingent Fund

City of Frankfurt Contingent Fund for Areas that come under Urban Development Promotion, © City of Frankfurt Planning Department

With a view to strengthening its commitment to the common good, the City of Frankfurt is making available to those districts undergoing urban renewal a budget (contingent fund) for the execution of minor local projects and measures. In an unbureaucratic way the fund will enable independent civic activity in the non-investment field.
Do you have an idea that could be used to play an active role in your neighborhood? The City of Frankfurt will be pleased to reimburse you for your efforts.

Initial ideas for projects can be discussed informally with the neighborhood management team.

To the district management page

Urban stabilization and development measures

Redesign of the south-east gateway to the quarter

One of the most important gateways to the quarter is that in the south-east at Homburger Hohl. Via the Homburger Hohl street, it connects the district with the local public transport network (Bonames Mitte LRT station). The district gateway is currently characterized by a large, private, single-story parking garage with a parking deck and parking lot, two barrier-controlled access roads as well as a waste disposal area and various trees and shrubs.

In 2022 and 2023, an urban planning, architectural and landscaping ideas competition was held for the redesign and upgrading of this gateway to the quarter – with the due involvement of local residents. Gerber Architekten won first prize with their design “Bunter Ben”.
The subsequent plan was for the winning result to be translated into a design planning by the owner of the property, Nassauische Heimstätte. In mid-2023, the owner of the property, Nassauische Heimstätte, withdrew from developing the project. The City of Frankfurt is currently looking for alternative development options.

  • Procedure for the south-east entrance to the district  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Existing building, south-east entrance  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation ideas competition  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation ideas competition  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation ideas competition © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation ideas competition © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Prize jury meeting copy; Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Prize jury meeting  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • 1. Preis Ideenwettbewerb  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • 1st prize idea competition  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • 1st prize idea competition  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Exhibition opening  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Redesign of the row of shops that forms the gateway to the quarter

With its 11 retail units, the row of shops is a central, well-frequented spot in the Ring. These spaces, which are fully accessible to the public, are privately owned by a homeowners’ association and the GWH housing association.

Between 2018 and 2022, the existing beds at the rear of the entrance to the quarter were redesigned by a landscape gardener and plants put in them – together with the local preschools. The goal: to achieve visible improvements in the relatively short term. There was also a lack of seating in this area and seven colorful flexible chairs were financed by the City of Frankfurt’s Contingency Fund. The new seating will be set up during the day by the retailers and the district management and improves the quality of leisure time in the location during store opening hours.

A survey and an analysis of the current building stock were carried out for the front gateway area on Ben-Gurion-Ring in 2021, something in which the neighboring businesses. Based on this, in 2022 and 2023 the landscape architecture firm Waldvogel created designs for the location. Following a public participation process in 2024, the plans will be incorporated into design planning by the owner GWH.

  • Planting beds at the entrance to the row of stores  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Planting beds at the entrance to the row of stores  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Planting beds at the entrance to the row of stores  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Colored chairs  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Colorful chairs Environment Week © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Neighborhood entrance Shop row existing © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Neighborhood entrance Shop row existing © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Redesign of the Eastern entrance to the quarter at Ben-Gurion-Ring 102

Eastern gateway to the quarter © City of Frankfurt Dept. of Planning

Landscape architectural practice Grün³ Albrecht Schaal freischaffender Landschaftsarchitekt bdla is compiling outdoor spatial plans for the redesign of the plaza at the Eastern gateway to the quarter at Ost Ben-Gurion-Ring 102. The project is part of the Integrated Urban Planning Development Concept for the Ben-Gurion-Ring Social City. The first participation session for local citizens took place on May 15, 2023. Another such event for citizens is planned and construction will hopefully start at the end of 2024.

GWH Wohnungsgesellschaft Hessen mbH and ABG Frankfurt Holding GmbH intend to redesign the plaza at the east entrance to the neighborhood at Ben-Gurion-Ring 102. To this end, the landscape architects at Grün³ Albrecht Schaal Landschaftsarchitekt bdla have devised outdoor spatial plans. The planning objectives include greater leisure-time quality, strengthening social links in the neighborhood, and improving the appearance and image of the housing estate. The area between Saalbau Am Bügel and the GWH customer office, which at present is primarily a carpark and waste dump, will be transformed into a pedestrian-friendly area with benches for people to meet and relax on, bushes, and a small grove of trees. The existing stair/ramp and the plants will be renewed. About 14 new trees and large bushes will be planted. Another new addition: a mobility station for bicycles, cargo bikes, and e-scooters, a bicycle repair station, a packet collection station, two car-sharing slots, several sections of gravel and walls for people to sit on, raised flowerbeds of different heights, two games tables, and an orientation board. The new design for the outdoor spaces factors in the local inhabitants’ wishes as expressed by them at a participation event.

The East Neighborhood Gateway is the first of several gateways on the Ben-Gurion-Ring to be redesigned. The eight-story residential blocks Ben-Gurion-Ring 102-108 flank the square to the north and west and house the GWH customer office while in the south it is the brick building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 110a containing Saalbau Am Bügel, the Hospitality training center, apartments, and a hostel for refugees. The neighborhood also includes the eight-story senior citizen’s home at Ben-Gurion-Ring 110. GWH Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH Hessen is the major property owner. A small part of the square belongs to ABG Frankfurt Holding GmbH. The project is a measure that comes under the Integrated Urban Development Concept – Social City Ben Gurion Ring and the plan is therefore to provide grants for it from the “Social Cohesion” urban planning support program.

  • East Neighborhood Gateway  2 Layout © City of Frankfurt Surveying Dept. 02/2024, Planning Dept.
  • East Neighborhood Gateway 3 Civic participation © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. 2023
  • East Neighborhood Gateway 4 Civic participation © Grün³ 2023

Maßnahmen Städtebauliche Stabilisierung und Entwicklung II

Neugestaltung der Quartierseingänge Nord, Nordwest, West I, West II, Süd, Südost II

Für die Teilbereiche im öffentlichen Straßenraum an den Quartierseingängen Nord, Nordwest, West I, West II, Süd und Südost II wurde 2024 vom Stadtplanungsamt die Planung erarbeitet. Diese beinhaltet die Verbesserung der Wegebeziehungen, die Aufwertung der Quartierseingänge durch Pflanzung von Bäumen, Vergrößerung und Begrünung der Baumscheiben, neue Fahrradabstellanlagen, den Ersatz der Altglascontainer durch Unterflurcontainer und das Einbindung von Mobilitätsstationen der traffiq.
Die Bürgerbeteiligung zur Planung fand am 12.09.2024 im Rahmen des Sommerfestes statt. Die Umsetzung wird für 2025 und 2026 angestrebt.
Für die Teilbereiche der angrenzenden privaten Freiflächen wird von der Haupteigentümerin GWH ebenfalls eine Neugestaltung angestrebt.

Public relations and measures to improve the image of the quarter

Work on the image of the quarter

There are numerous components to the public relations work being carried out. All of them are destined to help enhance the image of the Ben-Gurion-Ring quarter in the longer term. The construction measures are all being accompanied by a series of participatory events, such as workshops, information events, exhibitions, tours, and festivals. In addition to the civic participation formats for the construction measures, there is also continuous participation by the Ben-Gurion-Ring Advisory Council, which meets approximately every six weeks. Each measure and action taken as part of the support program is also accompanied by press releases, posters, and social media posts.

  • Advisory council meeting © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation Neighborhood meeting © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation in neighborhood entrance southeast © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Bat guided tour © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Graffiti on outside wall of youth center © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Court concerts  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Court concerts © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Court concerts © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Court concerts © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Court concerts © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Court concerts © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Court concerts © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • ISEK kick-off event © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • ISEK exhibition of results © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Country residents meeting © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Neighborhood workshop © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • NJoy © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Picnic by the lake © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Summer festival © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Summer festival © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Change of scenery  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Environmental week © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Workshop courtyard Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Housing and residential environment measures I

Improvement of the green spaces (upgrading outdoor areas)

Ben-Gurion-Ring is distinguished by generous outdoor spaces between the high-rise buildings. These are made up of private and public green spaces, most of which merge into one another without a visible boundary. The center of the estate is car-free. The aim is to improve their appeal and the frequency with which they are used. The outdoor spaces include meadows, parking areas, pathways, and the Bügelsee lake.
The plan is for the outdoor areas to enable activities for all age groups. An open space concept has been drawn up for the renewal of the urban outdoor spaces, the “Ben-Gurion-Ring Green Belt”, which is now gradually being implemented. The following steps have already been realized:

  • participation in the Luminale 2018
  • cultivation of an flowering meadow that attracts insects to the south of the building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 124-138
  • installation of dog stations
  • assignment and supervision of patrons for the dog stations by the district management
  • information displays with solar modules set up on behalf of the district management
  • the addition of bollards ensures that the green corridor is car-free.
  • Installation of a sunshade in the infants’ section on the See playground
  • Installation of a bookcase for children in front of the Regenbogen Family Center in collaboration with FES Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH
  • Provision of two additional, insect-friendly street lanterns on the only insufficiently lit main path between the St. Lioba church and Grosse Wiese

Further plans are in the pipeline:

  • financing a children's Little Free Library in front of the building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 110a (District Advisory Council 10)

  • Insect flower meadow © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Insect flower meadow © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Luminale © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Showcases © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Passage barriers © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • New sunshade for See playground © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. 2023
  • New street lamp at a former dark section © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. 2023
  • New street lamp on the path at St. Lioba © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. 2023
  • Einweihung Kinderbücherschrank © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Einweihung Kinderbücherschrank (3) © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main

Redesign of the inner courtyards with play areas

The environment directly surrounding residential buildings has a decisive influence on residents’ quality of life and neighborhood cohesion.

A radically new concept was developed for the North Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 inner courtyard through an intensive participation process: Tenant gardens with hedges and communal areas with raised beds were created running alongside the buildings in accordance with the wishes of the residents. In the middle of the inner courtyard, a toddler’s playground, a boules court, a small area with fitness equipment, flowerbeds for perennials, benches, and seating pebbles under trees invite residents to linger. The setting was developed according to the wishes of the tenants. The project by GWH Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH Hessen was funded by the “Social City” program.

The City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. is very interested in the private courtyards at Ben-Gurion-Ring 176-186 and Ben-Gurion-Ring 124-138 also being redesigned by the housing companies with the participation of the tenants.

  • Construction site sign during construction work © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Existing building before the measure North courtyard Ben-Gurion-Ring 24-40 © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Redesign of inner courtyard Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 ©City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Redesign of inner courtyard Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Redesign of inner courtyard Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Redesign of inner courtyard Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Redesign of inner courtyard Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-4 © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Redesign of inner courtyard Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Ben-Gurion-Ring courtyard workshop © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Playground design

The large municipal playground next to the Bügelsee lake was given a comprehensive makeover by the City of Frankfurt Parks Dept. in 2017. The municipal playground at Rondellplatz and the municipal playground on the Grosse Wiese meadow are currently being redesigned as part of the section-by-section renewal of the green belt.
All of the other playgrounds are privately owned. They are mostly outdated and in poor condition, have hardly any playground equipment or benches and are therefore little used. The City of Frankfurt is dependent on the willingness of the owners to modernize and invest in these playgrounds.

Measures in the urban green spaces

Step-by-step rejuvenation of the Ben-Gurion-Ring greened zone

Bügelsee © City of Frankfurt Dept.mof Planning

Like a green ribbon, the approx. 4.7 hectares of the Ben-Gurion-Ring greened zone with its glorious old trees runs through the estate – from Bügelsee in the north to the park meadows at the Kalbach subway station in the south. A framework concept (outdoor planning concept) was devised detailing the rejuvenation of this municipal green belt and local citizens were involved in a multi-step civic participation process. The individual planning and construction projects will now be realized step by step. At present, the following are being prepared:

First: The Rondellplatz playground between Ben-Gurion-Ring 114-120 and 162-164 is now in the planning phase. Construction is scheduled to start in Q4 2024.

Second: For the sub-sections Grosse Wiese (with a football ground), Hanggarten (sloping gardens) and Baumhalle (Hall of Trees), planning is scheduled to start in fall 2023 and construction in Q4 2025.

For further information on the framework concept (outdoor planning concept) please click.

Redesign of the Rondellplatz playground

The Rondellplatz playground between the building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 114-120 and that at 162-164 is in the planning phase. Construction is scheduled to start in first-half 2025. On Nov. 23, 2023, the City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. provided details on the project at an info booth outside the district management office. On Dec. 1, 2023, an event to involve children and citizens was held.

  • Info booth outside the district management office © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. 2023
  • Involving children campaign © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. 2023
  • Rondellplatz oberer Teil © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Rondellplatz unterer Teil © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Spielplatz Rondellplatz bei einer Begehung © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main

Large meadow/hanging garden/tree hall

Plans for the Grosse Wiese meadow (with a hardtop football pitch), Hanggarten and Baumhalle sub-sections are also being made. On Nov. 23, 2023, the City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. provided details on the project at an info booth outside the district management office. The Grosse Wiese meadow will be retained as a wide, open green space, but its edges will be made more versatile and enhanced with planting. A sports pitch for younger children, which the area has to date lacked, will also be created here.

  • Planning area © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Large meadow © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Hanging garden © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • 2021: Tree hall and retirement home Ben-Gurion-Ring 110a © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Housing and residential environment measures II

Reorganization of the waste collection points

The waste collection points will be reorganized in order to resolve what has become a crucial and controversial issue. The aim is to find technical, design-related, and innovative solutions for the 13 waste collection points together with the owners and waste disposal companies.

Since 2019, the GWH housing association has been planning and exploring the option of retrofitting the household waste collection bins as below-ground containers – starting with the northern part of the estate.

In addition, residents are informed about waste avoidance and thus encouraged to change their behavior. Since 2021, the Environment Week has been held annually with the event series “Der Bügel räumt auf”.

  • Environmental week © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Environmental week © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Barrier-free accessibility in the senior living facilities

On the estate, the two senior citizen residences in Buildings no. 20 and no. 110 of Wohnungsgesellschaft GWH accommodate a total of 178 residential units for senior citizens. The nine-story residential buildings were each equipped with only one elevator. This led to long waiting times.

Access to the senior citizens’ apartments was significantly improved with the addition of a further elevator for each block. The “Social City” urban development program funded both elevators to the tune of EUR 250,000 each.

  • 2021 Senior residential complex Ben-Gurion-Ring 110 with new elevator extension © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Ben-Gurion-Ring 20 retirement home with new elevator extension © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Ben-Gurion-Ring 20 retirement home during renovation © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Façade refurbishment

The buildings are getting on in years, which can also be seen from the façades. Redesigning the façades is intended to improve the appearance and orientation of the estate. It also aims to help residents better identify with their neighborhood.

The first energy-efficient upgrade and repair of the building entrances was carried out by GWH on the buildings at Ben-Gurion-Ring 102-110 from 2019-2021. The energy-efficient modernization of the façades of the buildings at Ben-Gurion-Ring 20-42 was also completed by 2023. The buildings at Ben-Gurion-Ring 44-46 and 176-186 were modernized in 2023. The building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 44-46 was given a greened roof. The greened roof was subsidized with funds from the City of Frankfurt’s “Climate Bonus” program, formerly the “Refreshing Frankfurt” scheme. Modernization of the buildings at Ben-Gurion-Ring 2-8 is planned for 2024.

  • Existing facades © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Facade refurbishment Ben-Gurion-Ring 110 © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Facade refurbishment Ben-Gurion-Ring © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Environmental and transport measures

Improving the traffic situation & local mobility / redesigning Homburger Hohl

As an important access route to the subway station, the Homburger Hohl street is to be redesigned. The City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. drew up the preliminary plans for the street in 2022 and 2023.

The public information event on the planning took place on June 19, 2023. The topics covered by the planning include:

  • Unsealing and greening of the street against the backdrop of climate protection and climate adaptation
  • Reorganization of parking spaces, bicycle stands, and bottle banks
  • Integration of recreational areas
  • Revision of the street-lighting

The City Council was updated on the project in the form of Executive Council Report B 465 of Dec. 18, 2023.

  • Stock Homburger Hohl  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Stock Homburger Hohl © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Stock Homburger Hohl © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Preliminary planning of the public information event © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Social infrastructure, education, and neighborhood cohesion measures

District café/ neighborhood meeting place

Many project ideas for improving the social infrastructure and neighborhood cohesion can be consolidated in a district café/neighborhood meeting place.

The goal is to create a central, public neighborhood meeting point in the form of a district café – as a place that offers a small range of catering services as well as space and advice for existing neighborhood activities.
These already include the district management, homework help, the “Suppenteller” (soup plate) project, the “Gesprächscafé” (conversation café) project, voluntary tenant and social counseling, a consultation hour with the local security guard, and much more.

As an interim solution, a neighborhood café has been organized in the district management office at Ben-Gurion-Ring 56. It has taken place every Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in cooperation with the association Kirche in Aktion e.V. since the beginning of December 2022. In spring 2024, a temporary building will be relocated to the lakeside as an interim solution. To this end, from spring 2023 onwards a Design+build seminar has been held in cooperation with TU Darmstadt.

Following the students’ design phase, a civic participation event for the design phase took place on July 5, 2023, with a picnic on the lakeside. The building contract was awarded in fall 2023 to the Büro Holzarchitektur company based in Erzhausen. Construction is scheduled to start on April 8, 2024, the civic participation event (furniture building) on May 4, and inauguration on May 8, 2024.

A location feasibility analysis and comparison were carried out in 2024 covering the long-term creation of a new build for the district café and neighborhood meeting place. It concluded that a location east of Bügelsee should be explored that fits the urban fabric of Bastionsplatz. The planning contract will presumably be awarded in the course of 2024.

  • Vortfertigung Interim Nachbarschaftscafe © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Fundamentsetzung Interim Nachbarschaftstreff © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Spatenstich Interim Nachbarschaftstreff © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Spatenstich Interim Nachbarschaftstreff © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Möbelbau © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Bau Nachbarschaftstreff © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Richtfest Haus am See © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Richtfest Haus am See © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • Blühwiese © Stadtplanungsamt Stadt Frankfurt am Main
  • 1st prize design phase Interim neighbourhood meeting place Ben-Gurion-Ring ©  TU Darmstadt
  • 1st prize Design phase Interim neighbourhood meeting place Ben-Gurion-Ring Site plan
  • 1st prize design phase Interim neighbourhood meeting place Ben-Gurion-Ring © TU Darmstadt
  • Participation Planning Interim Neighborhood Meeting © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Interim Neighborhood Office  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Interim Neighborhood Office  © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main

Repair and Technical Meeting Point

The idea of a Repair and Technical Meeting Point at the Bügel was submitted by the Am Bügel Citizens’ Initiative to the Social City Advisory Council, where it was greeted very positively.

From 2019 onwards, the citizens’ initiative has rented the former janitor’s office of Wohnungsgesellschaft GWH in the building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 116 and encouraged cooperation with the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club Frankfurt e.V. (ADFC). Repair courses are currently held on 3-4 Saturdays a month, offering a social get-together in addition to the “tinkering”. The project contributes to the topics of environmental protection, sustainability, capacity building, upcycling instead of throwing away, and the exchange of knowledge and experience. Contact persons and dates can be found here.

Integration of the new school(s) into the neighborhood

The property at Ben-Gurion-Ring 172-174 was acquired by the City of Frankfurt for the purposes of school development in 2020, and the office building at Ben-Gurion-Ring 158-164 was rented in 2021.

Music room
The plan is to convert an unused room in the youth section of the St. Lioba parish center into a music room. The idea is to take the music to the local inhabitants. Children, young people, and the inhabitants as a whole will enjoy a low-threshold opportunity to integrate music into their lives.

Culture, leisure, sport measures

Design of the outdoor areas at the youth center

The redesign of the outdoor spaces at the youth center was implemented as one of the first projects of the urban development program. In 2018, the participation process for the redesign of these spaces at the youth center took place with young people aged 12 to 21. In small workshop groups, the young people came up with many surprising ideas for the redesign. These ideas then formed the basis for planning the outdoor areas.

In addition to a playing field for football, basketball and volleyball, a 240 m² parkour and calisthenics facility, practice walls for graffiti sprayers, a grandstand, were created along with a separate area for the girls’ club with a ground trampoline, hanging swing, hammock and raised beds. The seating cubes between the newly planted trees have also become a new meeting point in their own right. The planning and construction process was accompanied on site by a “get-your-hands-dirty construction site” project and open-air summer cinemas. The new sports and leisure area was inaugurated in July 2022 and is open to everyone.

  • Open spaces Youth center Open space planning © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • 2022: Multifunctional ball field © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • 2022: Parcour and calisthenics facility © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • 2023: Parcour and calisthenics facility © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • 2023: Day of urban development © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Existing open spaces youth center © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Existing open spaces youth center © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation open spaces youth center © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation open spaces youth center © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main
  • Participation open spaces youth center © City Planning Department of the City of Frankfurt am Main


Unused room destined to be the music room © City of Frankfurt Planning Dept. 2023

In der Kirchengemeinde St. Lioba soll ein ungenutzter Raum des Jugendbereiches in ein Musikzimmer umgewandelt werden. Im Sinne einer Bring-Struktur soll die Musik zu den Bewohnerinnen und Bewohnern vor Ort gebracht werden. Kinder, Jugendliche und die Bewohnerschaft insgesamt sollen eine niedrigschwellige Möglichkeit erhalten, Musik in ihre Lebenswirklichkeit zu integrieren.